Lesson resources
Lesson 1
Do You Know? (Pretest)
Lesson Plan
Topic: Global Warming, Energy Transfer
Background Sheet 1 & Processing Ideas 1
Sun-Earth Energy
Study questions supporting Background Sheet 1 topics
Assignment 1: Follow the Energy Concept Map
Students will need: 1 – 8.5” x 11” paper per student – mini-concept map,1- 17” × 22”paper per student – concept map assignment
Lesson Introduction: A simplified animation of the greenhouse effect, energy transfer
Intro to the Electromagnetic Spectrum; Examples of various wavelengths. (5:19 minutes).
Lesson 2
Topic: Global Warming, Energy Transfer
Lesson Plan
Background Sheet 2 & Processing Ideas 2
Energy Transfer Between Earth and the Atmosphere
Background Sheet 3 & Processing Ideas 3
Earth Energy Budget
Background Sheet 4 & Processing Ideas 4
Albedo Effect
Background Sheet 5 & Processing Ideas 5
Global Warming Potentials
Making a Concept Map (Day 2 Lesson Resources)
Wave terminology and motion (3:38)
Excellent discussion of dipole interactions & Van der Waals interaction (10:53)
Excellent! Real World:– Energy In and Energy Out. (2:56)
Excellent presentation of Earth’s energy balance (6:59)
Variables & processes in NASA’s calculation of Earth’s heat budget. Includes Albedo Effect. (3:25)
Very Important! Explanation of Albedo Effect, polar ice caps & global warming, feedback loops (4:48)
Slides informing about characteristics of greenhouse gases and their Global Warming Potential (GWP).
Lesson 3
Topic: Global Warming, Energy Transfer
Lesson Plan
Background Sheet 6 & Processing Ideas 6
Feedback loops
Background Sheet 7 & Processing Ideas 7
Water, Carbon, and Methane Cycles, Sinks & Energy Transfer
TED ED: Feedback loops: How nature gets its rhythms - Anje-Margriet Neutel (5:10 minutes)
Excellent insight into science research in arctic permafrost and the global warming crisis in the arctic. (4:33 minutes)
Lesson 4
Topic: Electric Vehicles
Lesson Plan
Background Sheet 8 & Processing Ideas 8
AC/DC Current
Assignment 2 (optional): Timeline
Construct a Timeline: History of EVs and Gasoline-Powered Vehicles
Difference between AC and DC Current Explained (4:22)
Excellent, but long (33:06) – of interest especially for CTE
Extend the discussion about electric currents to motors. (4:11)
Regenerative Braking converts EV’s kinetic energy into chemical energy stored in the rechargeable battery
Regenerative Brake System Two key selling points of electric vehicles: more energy-efficient & less maintenance
Lesson 5
Topic: Renewable Lithium-Ion Batteries
Lesson Plan
Background Sheet 9 & Processing Ideas 9
The Lithium-Ion Battery
ANIMATION: U. S. Energy animation of a lithium-ion battery
Excellent! How a lithium-ion battery works? Why are they rechargeable? (9:29)
Compares induction motors to internal combustion motors (10:37)
Redwood Materials, located in Nevada, is a new plant set up to recycle, refine, and remanufacture lithium-ion battery materials, closing the recycling loop.
Plant built to recycle 95% of cobalt, nickel, and lithium from old batteries. Zero wastewater & zero emissions process used.
Retrieving lithium from geothermal energy sources (15:58)
Describes sourcing of lithium from geothermal brines, more environmentally friendly than mining.
Thoughtful discussion of diverse lithium topics. Description of lithium sources and availability. Many important ideas discussed (17.22)
Five new battery technologies that could change everything (10:53)
Lesson 6
Topic: Charging Stations
Shopping Guide – SB pg. 12
Lesson Plan
Assignment 3: How Do Shoppers Make Decisions
Data-based decisions vs social-based decisions
Lesson 7
Topic: Comparing EVs
Setting up EV Shopping Spreadsheet pgs.
Lesson Plan
Lesson 8
Topic: Present & Future Energy Infrastructure
Lesson Plan
Assignment 4: EV Home Survey
Gathering survey data about EVs and green energy
Classroom Poster
Compare 2020 Electricity Generation: U.S., CA, LADWP
Look up LADWP specific energy sources, incentives, etc.
Explore LADWP focus on supporting EVs
Lesson 9
Topic: Solar, Wind, Green Jobs
Lesson Plan
Assignment 4: Community Challenge Project
Student designed research and/community service project
What Did You Learn (Post Test)
Generation180- national movement of schools advancing transition to clean energy
NextEra Energy- jobs in Clean Energy across America
Solar International - growing clean energy workforce by 2050
College majors and career searches
CA Job opportunities in LADWP